Brauer Unterstützungs Verein
Eine Unterorganisation der Omaha Deutsch-Amerikanischen Gesellschaft, der Brauer Unterstützungs Verein (B.U.V. für kurze) wurde 1896 gegründet und im Jahr 2009 wiederbelebt. Die Mitglieder sind alle Hobbybrauer oder Bierliebhaber mit einer Leidenschaft für Bier und Brauen, wobei die Fertigkeitsstufen von Anfänger bis Experte reichen. Gemeinsam stellen sie das Oktoberfestbier im offiziellen Fass für die Oktoberfestfeier der Omaha Deutsch-Amerikanischen Gesellschaft her und nehmen an anderen lokalen Bierfesten teil. Der Hauptfokus des Klubs liegt darauf, Bier zu brauen und zu schätzen, voneinander zu lernen und unsere Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, die Öffentlichkeit zu informieren, mit der Braugemeinschaft zu interagieren und dabei eine tolle Zeit zu haben. PROST!
Vorstand: Steve Thedens
Schiftführer: Scot Ahlers
Kassenverwalter: Jeremy Peppler

Raise a Stein and Help Raise Funds to Support Your New Community Brewery,
Plattfluss Brauhaus!
The Plattfluss Brauhaus blends history, tradition, and community at the German American Society of Omaha. This unique endeavor celebrates centuries of German brewing heritage, bringing people together over finely crafted, traditional German style beers. Whether you're passionate about craft beer, German culture, or building connections in Omaha, this project is for you. We need your support to bring this vision to life, donate today!
Why this Brewery is Special:
Cultural Celebration: Rooted in tradition, brewing authentic German beer styles.
Small and Local: With a small 1-barrel brewing system, every batch will be fresh, exclusive, and served only on-site at the German American Society of Omaha.
For the Community: As a not-for-profit venture, every sip supports cultural preservation, GAS events, and the Society's membership and mission.
Your Support Makes It Possible! By contributing to this project, you're not just helping us build a brewery, you're fostering a community. Your donation will help with:
Updating the Ratskeller kitchen to meet NE State code.
Purchasing and setting up the brewing system equipment.
Creating cultural programming and events to highlight German heritage.
Growing the Society's membership and community engagement.
Our Goal: Raising $50,000 by 28 Feb 25 to bring this project to life:
$30,000 for brewing equipment.
$15,000 for infrastructure improvements.
$5,000 for other essential supplies.
Donate and Be Recognized!
Every donor helps us preserve and share our German heritage, and we want to honor your generosity with exclusive merch. All rewards are exclusive to donors; each tier receives the reward of all lower tiers. Rewards will be delivered after the fundraising sprint.
Taster Level ($50): Your name proudly displayed on a donor plaque.
Half-Liter Level ($100): A custom pin.
Liter Level ($250): A limited-edition donor T-shirt.
Boot Level ($500): A custom laser-engraved glass half-liter boot.
Keg Level ($1,000): A premium, custom-embroidered donor jacket. Organizational donors at this level may opt out of individual rewards for a custom plaque*.
Brewer Level ($5,000+): Your legacy etched on brewing equipment with a laser-engraved sign featuring content of your choice*.
Donate Today!
Paypal— link on back of this sheet! (Include contact info in “What’s this for?” box)
Mail checks made payable to “German American Society” to 3717 S 120th St, ATTN: Plattfluss Brauhaus, Omaha, NE 68144 (Include contact info in the Memo)