Wurst Club
A Sausage Making Club
Uncover the culinary wonders of sausage-making with the Wurst Club, an engaging and dynamic community dedicated to the art of crafting sausages from scratch. More than just a club, it's a savory journey that promises to tickle your taste buds and expand your culinary horizons.
Within the cozy confines of our upstairs kitchen, the Wurst Club convenes on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. It's a gathering of like-minded enthusiasts who share a passion for the time-honored tradition of sausage-making. Here, the atmosphere is filled with the tantalizing aromas of spices and seasonings, as members come together to explore a diverse array of sausage recipes and techniques.
Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, our club caters to all levels of expertise, providing an open and inviting environment for learning, experimenting, and perfecting the art of sausage-making. Each meeting is a delightful fusion of creativity and collaboration, as members exchange ideas, swap recipes, and share their experiences in an atmosphere of camaraderie.
Vorsitzende: Frank Yates
Vize-Vorsitzende: Bill Cain
Schiftführer: FRank Sobetski, Jr.
Kassier: Jackie Heyne